Red Diesel and Crossing the Channel

12 Apr 2012 22:27 | Anonymous member

We talked Red Diesel at the March committee meeting and we thought that the members would appreciate an update.

A few years ago the EU made the use of untaxed diesel for propulsion of leisure craft illegal. The way the UK interpreted that EU law was to introduce the need to pay Tax on the propulsion part of the diesel you buy - most boat users do that by making the 60/40 split declaration - though if you live on a non moving canal boat you can still get it tax free.  The UK still allowed the use of Red or marked Diesel, but its up  to the boat owner to pay the appropriate tax. Ireland, Channel islands, Norway do the same as the UK - Interestingly in Ireland the fuel is Green!  

 Other EU countries implemented that law by switching leisure boats to fully taxed/ unmarked white diesel. (France, Belgium , Holland) On top Belgium has a National law that totally prohibits the presence of Red diesel in a leisure boats, and fines up to 5euro/ litre tank capacity if red diesel is detected. Holland requires proof (via receipts less than 12mths old) that tax has been paid on the fuel. At the moment the French and the Channel islands have no local rules.

After a botched attempt at getting UK boat owners to declare that they would only use red diesel in UK territorial waters (12NM offshore) which provoked outrage from boat owners and the RYA, yesterday HMRC revised its law and now all UK diesel purchasers have to declare that whilst Red Diesel is completely legal in UK waters, that they are aware that other nations can have there own laws about the use of marked fuel. Therefore before you travel you should be aware of local laws where you are travelling to.

 This is no change versus today as despite our lovely harmonised EU laws, the Belgians can if they like have whatever national laws they want about diesel. RYA are still campaigning with the Belgians 

 Practically this means:

France / Channel Islands: No local rules on Red Diesel, so we are free  to cruise there. RYA rang the French only last week and they confirmed no plans to check marking of Diesel. However to be doubly sure its just worth a quick check that no changes have happened since this email. M. Gosselin in St Vaast and Carrefour Cherbourg can stock up with confidence we will be visiting.

Belgium: Despite having great beer and chocolate you risk a big fine with red diesel. The RYA man on this link does suggest that some rallies have got prior permission not to be checked by prearranging with the harbour but I wouldn't be risking a quick pop into Belgium.

Holland: If you are off to buy tulips, then take full receipts to cover the amount of fuel you have, less than 12 mths old

For more details click this link


  • 06 May 2012 16:46 | Deleted user
    Hi All
    Re The French Diesel blog, thought you would like copies of emails I have received, worth printing out and carry with you, maybe;

    The replies


    Vous avez saisi l'administration française à propos de l'approvisionnement de votre navire de plaisance en France. D'après les informations que vous nous avez communiquées, le carburant utilisé en Grande-Bretagne pour la navigation est un carburant de couleur rouge.

    Les autorités françaises ont été informées de cette particularité britannique, qui, d'après nos informations, ne devraient pas perdurer. Etant donné que tous les plaisanciers britanniques rencontrent cette difficulté, les autorités françaises ne relèveront pas systématiquement un détournement de destination fiscale privilégiée s'ils détectent du carburant rouge dans le réservoir de votre navire.

    Cependant, le carburant rouge en France est un carburant relevant d'une fiscalité privilégiée. Vous devrez donc être en mesure de prouver aux autorités françaises que vous avez acquis ce carburant en Grande-Bretagne. Je vous conseille donc de conserver à votre bord les factures d'achat de carburant en Grande Bretagne.


    Morvan BUREL
    DGDDI-Bureau F2
    01 57 53 45 79

    Computer Translation;
    You have entered the French government about supplying your pleasure boat in France. According to the information you have provided to us, the fuel used in Britain for navigation is a fuel red.

    The French authorities were informed of this particular British, who, according to our information, should not continue. Given that all boaters encountered this difficulty British, the French authorities will not increase systematically misuse of tax privileged destination if they detect red fuel in the tank of your ship.

    However, the red fuel is a fuel in France under a privileged taxation. You will be able to prove to the French authorities that you have purchased this fuel in Britain. I suggest you keep your board purchase invoices of fuel in Britain.


    Dear Sir,
    Further to your request below, we can confirm there should be no problem to use red diesel in France as long as you can produce invoices (upon request) proving that the taxes on the diesel purchased have effectively been paid.
    We hope this is of help.
    Best Regards,
    Ambassade de France/French Embassy
    Service de l'Attaché Douanier/Customs Attaché Office
    58 Knightsbridge
    SW1X 7JT Londres
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