RYA Day Skipper & Competent Crew course
Duration: 1 Week - 5 Days
Typical cost: £700.00
Instructors: Alex. Dunn & Peter Hurley
Two of our Club Skippers, namely Alex. Dunn who is a Yachtmaster Instructor and Peter Hurley who is a Cruising Instructors and can arrange a course to meet the requirements of the RYA Day Skipper practical syllabus.
Dates and costs will be listed in Upcoming Training Events.
Day Skipper Course topics include:
The practical covers, navigation and pilotage, boat handling, seamanship and basic skippering techniques enabling you to skipper a boat in local waters in daylight.
Previous Experience Required, 100 miles logged, 5 days aboard and 4 night hours. Basic sailing ability and a knowledge of basic navigation which is best gained by attending the RYA Dayskipper Theory Course.
Competent Crew Course topics include:
Familiarisation with the yachts, helming, knots, mooring and casting off, sail handling and general activities for life onboard the boat. No previous experience required.
Duration, 5 days, Maximum of 4 students per yacht
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