Wind Farms for South East Endland - Have your Say!!

01 May 2012 22:30 | Deleted user
John Athey, RBYC Member, recently attended a seminar/consultation meeting at the RAFYC in Hamble
Held by Eneco and its representatives.  Although the turnout was a little low, there were some 12 Yacht club/organizations represented.
The 'presentation' lasted some 2 hours, quite informative, but disturbing.  There was a time for questions, numerous and some heat.
At the meeting, a representative of the RYA voiced a comment, that they the RYA had received little response, negative or otherwise, about this proposed wind farm.
I have attached a small extract of information, at the bottom is the important bit.  The area marked is the area Eneco have a license for (and could develop), the area marked by a green outline is the area they have research and propose to build the wind farm.  If you wish to read more, Eneco is the place to go.
Please could you forward this to all members, expressing that, if they have thoughts or feelings about this development, to email the RYA asap.
If we do not respond, construction will begin within 4 years.
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