RBYC Skippers Trip Feb '12

22 Feb 2012 20:31 | Anonymous member
Last weekend the intrepid skippers of the club set off on their annual jaunt around the Solent. Nine of Berkshires finest sailors aboard Note Bene a 47' Beneteau Oceanis. Chief Skipper of the skippers for the weekend was Captain Lidl (Gary). His motley crew were Thruster Hammond (Rob), Kipper Skipper (Steve), Snow Kite (Alex), Auntie "Teddy" Les, Dr Crouton (Ian), Zen (Neil), Musto Man (Mike) and Bob (Kate)
Friday night we did a quick trip over to East Cowes, weather was.... well .... er cold and dark !  However the cockles were soon warmed up with Snow Kites Jamie Oliver Chili, a few small glasses of cold tea and some very tasty sloe gin from Teddy Les.
Saturday the weather turned very windy with gusts up to 36kts, but the skippers were not put off .... at least it wasn't raining. They bravely fought the wind and waves to arrive at Lymington Town quay just after lunch.... though for some I think the motivation was more the thought of the Musto shop.  Then it started raining! ... but it was a downwind run back to Shepards wharf in Cowes. Most of the skippers diligently stayed on deck though Teddy Les snuck downstairs and flipped on the heating under the pretense of making some mulled wine for arrival.
Saturday evening we were joined by Javelin with another 2 club skippers - Liz Hurley (Peter) and Captain Tetley (Richard). We ate in the Portuguese restaurant at Shepard's wharf - highly recommended.
Then it was back to Note Bene, watching very carefully for the icy pontoons. The wind had turned northerly and the temperature was dropping rapidly. Unfortunately Kipper Skipper chose to have a little kip whilst coming down the ramp and the ice tripped him up.
Sunday the sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky but the north wind was absolutely freezing. Despite double thermals, 2 fleeces and 2 jackets I was still a quite chilly. Another trip down the Western Solent this time non stop. When it came to lunch it was a fight to get out of the wind and go down below in the warm.
So the club skippers are now all refreshed and raring to go taking out the club trips... so get signing up folks so you too can join in the fun.
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