RYA Push the boat out, J Boats Round the Island and Clipper Round the world returns

28 Jul 2012 23:09 | Anonymous member
July 21st/ 22nd was a very special weekend in the Solent. It was a festival of fantastic boats, old and new, big and small, some gorgeous super yachts and the Clippers having just travelled all the way around the world.

Friday night the rain finally stopped, which was cause enough for celebration. Purple Mist cruised over to Bucklers Hard and moored next to the famous newscaster Peter Snow (Very large Halberg Rassey). Tres Jolie was supposed to be joining us but somehow due to the Spring tide got stuck in the Hamble mud... or was that stuck in a Hamble pub.

Saturday was RYA Push the Boat out day, so suitably decked out in bunting and a very large "Sail for Gold" dodger we all headed over to the RYS start line at Cowes. Quintessa was already spectating, busy looking at the 3 fabulous J boats: Velsheda, Ranger and Lionheart. These boats are amazing close up and that's just where we all got.... as close as we dare without incurring the wrath of the marshall Ribs. The start line was very busy, 3 massive J boats and a flotilla of spectators in every type of boat from ribs to yachts. Then 10mins to the start gun and a bulk carrier decides to come through the whole fleet, the poor Southampton harbour patrol vessel was flashing and hooting away as boats were sent scurrying in all directions.

RBYC had 4 boats out on Saturday - The yachts: Tres Jolie, Purple Mist and Quintessa and in a change from yachting some members hired a rib for some super speedy J boat chasing.

Saturday night the yachts headed over to the home of yachting..... Cowes Yacht haven.... to try out the new washroom facilities (better but still not Berthon). We all had a great Portugese meal then some of us tried our hand at skateboarding with some guys who were doing a long distance skateboard charity challenge.

Sunday was more boat "Totty" spotting with the return of the 10 Clipper round the world yachts. The crews seemed genuinely pleased to be welcomed home with waving, shouting bunting and small yachts hassling them on starboard tack.The atmosphere was amazing, support crews had chartered a Gosport ferry and a Red Jet cat and it seemed everyone aboard was hooting fog horns.

Somehow Purple Mist ended up at the head of the fleet alongside Suhaili with Sir Robin Knox Johnston aboard. Maybe it was the RYA "Sail for Gold" banner that made us look official? I did manage to squeeze a wave out of Sir Robin. Then a large black police rib came over and I thought I was going to be asked to move but no, they just wanted a cup of tea!

We gently motored up Southampton water, looking back a the most amazing sight of Suhaili, 10 clipper boats and a massive flotilla of support boats.... sun was still shining.... a pretty magic weekend!
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