Met Office 1 RBYC 2

12 Jul 2012 11:52 | Deleted user

So when Tanya and Alex spotted the weekend on a J109 as part of the RBYC Charity Auction, they knew this was the prize for them, and so a firm bid was placed, and a date agreed in July, with visions of a gorgeous summer weekend of sailing in shorts and flipflops. This vision was successfully communicated to Alan, Rob, Tim and Judith who decided to join in the fun.

Forecast for the weekend – 18-20 knots of wind... So lets go to Poole said Alex. The promise of a kite run all the way home in the sun swung this decision.

Arriving at Hamble on Friday evening, an evening at Banana Wharf was planned. So Rob, a shadow of his former self, tucked into pasta and cheese. Having not eaten any carbs or fat for several months, he was to regret this decision! But Saturday dawned reasonably hangover free, although a little damp. The met office were still predicting winds of 18-20 knots and showers, and so the intrepid crew hung around Port Hamble for as long as possible, waiting for the shower to stop, but eventually set off on good spirits and full foulies. Jazzy Jellifish was in her element as we steamed through the Solent, letting in as much water down below as there was on deck. The “shower” continued all day, and the wind was more consistent at 20-25 knots. As we passed Beaulieu Tanya wistfully mentioned the pub and the roaring fire, a suggestion which was discounted as lightweight.

Leaving the Solent, the rain continued and things were a little bouncy, and Jazzy was looking very wet indeed. Tanya’s trip down below to warm up, happened to coincide with the weather announcement.... Seeing it as an excuse to linger at the chart table for longer, she tuned to channel 23. The forecast was reassuring... not...  Wind at F5-7 with Gale Force 8 imminent, somewhere near Portland. The intrepid crew turned tail and headed back to Lymington for a curry!

A good burst of the diesel heater to dry out Jazzy, and a trip to the Musto shop for extra thermals for Alan improved everyone’s spirits, although not the man in the Musto shop who simply can’t source enough thermals to meet the demand, but has a whole shop full of shorts and t-shirts, and then the discovery of a really happening bar made for a great night.

Sunday’s forecast gave a sense of foreboding, and relief that we only had to get back from Lymington. Predicted winds of F3-6 and that reassuring word, cyclonic, with the option of heavy rain or showers. Nice.... Outside, there was bright sunshine! So off we set, planning to lunch in the Beaulieu river, and then home. So with a huge smile in her sails, Jazzy set off hurtling up and down the Solent and the bright sunshine continued. A trip up the Beaulieu river gave the opportunity for a little bit of nav and a tidal calc... And Rob stayed off the cheese at lunchtime!

And then back to Hamble for a cheeky beer in the evening sunshine... So final result, Met Office 1, RBYC 2, I think....

And thank you to Jellyfish Charters for donating Jazzy for the weekend – she is quite a feisty lady!

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